A Medical Thriller by a Dr. Who Knows the Life


Stress Test
Richard L. Mabry, M.D.©2013
Thomas Nelson Publishers
ISBN 978-1-4016-8708-3
3-2 PP. ppbk, plus reading group guide and an excerpt from Dr. Mabry’s book, Heart Failure, due Oct. 2013

Dr. Mark Newman is kidnapped as he leaves his shift at Metropolitan Hospital at 2 a.m. He is bound and tossed into the trunk of his own car. After a harrowing escape, he wakes in ICU with a head injury and little memory of what had happened.

However, the police have found a dead woman in his automobile’s trunk and his wallet under her body. They don’t believe his story of having been kidnapped and are gathering evidence to charge him with murder.

Mark hires Sandra Murray as his lawyer and troubles pile on him. Mark and Sandra feel an attraction for each other but remain professional in their relationship. He loses his job, his girl-friend, knows his reputation may never recover from the accusations, .and the attempts on his life continue. When the story reaches a point where nothing worse could happen to Mark, problems pile even higher.

One delectable reality–Mark’s enemies have no idea that they’re fighting almighty God in their attempts to discredit and kill this doctor. His faith grows as he deals with unknowns like who and why does someone want him dead.

The characters are well-developed and realistic, and the story adrenalin-raising. The novel ends with some surprises and will leave readers satisfied with the outcome.

About samcivy

I read my first book a week after beginning first grade and haven't slowed down in seventy years. My system often wakes me in the night so I keep books on a chair in the bathroom and do a LOT of reading. I'm a free-lance writer/editor and review books for various authors as well as Thomas Nelson Publishers and Amazon.com. I will soon be posting books for a blog tour by KathyWillis.com, a book promoter.
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4 Responses to A Medical Thriller by a Dr. Who Knows the Life

  1. Judith Robl says:

    Another TBR addition. Thanks.

  2. Pingback: Review: Stress Test, by Richard Mabry | Tenacity

  3. I been wanting to read this book and now after reading your review I want to go out and get it today! Thanks for the review and your blog. I’ll be checking it out more looking for more book reviews.

  4. Pingback: Review Richard Mabry - Stress Test

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